Our Regular Aqua-Strainers are corrosion resistant and easy to install It is the perfect solution to ensure quality water throughout your house. It is fitted at the outlet of the overhead tank to the pipeline going to various taps. This Instant filtration filters all the dust particles like sand, silica, etc. and provides dust free water ensuring your connected equipment’s to be free from clogging. Our Aqua-strainers comes with self-cleaning technology they are easy to clean, you just need to open the cap installed at the end of the Regular Aqua-Strainer once in 30 days for flushing out the suspended particles.

Our Regular Aqua-Strainer comes in different models to suit as per the site requirement.

Regular Models

  • 1” Aqua–Strainer
  • 1.5” Aqua-Strainer
  • 2” Aqua–Strainer


Regular Aqua-Strainer is connected at the outlet of the overhead to the pipeline connection of the house It's connected to 1" outletpipe after the ball valve of water tank with the help of FTA {Female Thread Adaptor}.This system can be installed to the main input pipe connection of the house or can be connected to the input or output of your overhead tank, but we recommend connecting this system to the output of the overhead tank.

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